Mixamate receives second hydraulic machine from IHS
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Integrated Hydraulic Solutions Ltd. today announced completion of a brand new all-in-one Concrete Pumping Truck for Mixamate. The new machine marks the second vehicle that has been created for the Country’s leading mix on site concrete & screed company, since I.H.S. was founded earlier this year.
The unique machine is capable of providing the delivery, mixing, and pumping of concrete from a single vehicle, removing the need to hire a separate concrete pump. Built on a brand new chassis, the truck comes complete with an integrated control panel for controlling the mixing and flow of materials. This makes operating the machine easy and offers both automatic and manual options for mixing and delivering different types of concrete.
It also produces a printed ticket, which is referenced and recordable, from its calibrated batching system. This offers a far superior quality of mix to traditional volumetric machines that rely on an estimation of rotations alone.
The Mixamate machine can pump 230 litres of hydraulic oil per minute, producing around 10-11 m3 of concrete per hour, delivered directly onto site through the vehicle’s on-board line pump. It’s a unique approach to the modern mix on site industry that delivers batching plant standard quality, and the hydraulic components of the machine make it supremely easy to use.
The new truck will join the rest of the Mixamate fleet this week and go straight out working on concrete pumping jobs immediately.