Mixamate teams up with Cannon Piling

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One of Mixamate’s All-in-One Concrete Pumping Trucks is currently on location at an uber-tight site in Victoria. Our driver has teamed-up with Cannon Piling to create the foundations for a new commercial build, and the four-week long job requires daily pours. With commercial sites situated in some cases literally on top of one another, it’s one of the most heavily built-up areas in London, and flexibility and easy-access are key.

The piling process allows companies to deliver concrete deep into the earth, and create foundations that support structures much further down beneath the surface. It’s a technique that is used heavily in central-London, where large commercial and residential multi-storeys are increasingly the order of the day.

In the case of Cannon Piling’s current job, the structure needs to be particularly solid. The company requires a DC3 Cem2 concrete mix, for which specialist cement has been transported all the way from Scotland. The Mixamate Concrete Pumping Truck incorporates an on-board computer system that produces a print-out ticket, so we can guarantee the exact strength and nature of the mix.

In addition to the basic fact that it is small enough to squeeze onto the site, the All-in-One machine offers another big advantage: efficiency. The materials are carried directly from the truck via an on-board pumping hose, beneath a wooden ramp that allows pedestrians to continue to use the pavement while works are going on, and then administered directly through the piling rig.

The work can be time consuming (four weeks in one of the longest on-going periods that Mixamate tends to operate for), but it is this diligence and attention to detail that delivers the crucial strength of mix that the company requires, without affecting public access or impacting any of the many other sites around it.