Proud founder member of the BSA

Mixamate Concrete has a totally unique quality control system whereby the concrete is batched into its rear mixer by weight control.
The sand, stone, cements and admixtures are all batched separately in accordance with the pre-installed mix designs that have undertaken trials within our in-house lab. As each property of the concrete mix is batched into the pan, it has a target weight which is already recorded onto the system.

We also have an additional option of printed tickets direct from our machines which prove conformity against the mix design specified. This produces a ticket with the target weights recorded against the actual weights recorded.
The ticket also confirms:
- the vehicle’s registration
- GPS coordinates
- start and finish times, and
- the recipe name including the intended target on slump range.
In addition, the ticket gives the customer confirmation of the total quantity delivered.
This system allows for it to be fully traceable against the mix design issued to the customer at the start of the booking process. Linked with some cube testing, we can be sure that your concrete will pass any quality inspections with full conformity evidence.